Reports & Monographs by Richard J. Margolis
(in chronological order with most recent first; titles not available to download from this website are in red)
Toward a Strategy for the National Committee against Discrimination in Housing [of the Stern Family Fund] (report for Stern Family Fund, ---)
Out of Harm's Way: The Emancipation of Juvenile Justice (report for the Edna McDowell Clark Foundation, 1988)
Bar None (report for Edna McDowell Clark Foundation, 1988)
Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen (report for U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1986)
What Does [SSI] Stand For? Supplemental Security Income or Supplemental Suffering and Intimidation? (Southern Exposure, 1985)
A Rural Electoral Strategy for 1984 (a 1983 analysis that still holds true today)
Homes of the of the Brave: Farmworker Housing Report (report for the Farmworker Housing Coalition, 1981)
Rural America: Why Bother? (report for the Center for Rural Studies, University of Vermont, 1980)
At the Crossroads: An Inquiry into Rural Post Offices and the Communities They Serve (report for U.S. Government Printing Office, 1980)
Para un Nueve Dia en Education: The Chicano Education Project (report for the Carnegie Foundation, 1978)
Platform for Rural America (report for Rural America, 1977)
A Rural Housing Delivery Demonstration Project (report for Basin Electric Power Cooperative, 1973)
Last Chance for Desegregation (book chapter, 1972)
Cooperatives: Origins (part 1 of a special report for The New Leader)
Cooperatives: Farming (part 2 of a special report for The New Leader)
Cooperatives: Food (part 3 of a special report for The New Leader)
Cooperatives: Health (part 4 of a special report for The New Leader)
Cooperatives: Housing (part 5 of a special report for The New Leader)
Cooperatives: Prospects (part 6 of a special report for The New Leader)
If I Had a Hammer (report for the Rural Housing Alliance, 1972)
Mobile Homes and the Rural Poor: An Alternative Non-Solution (report for the Rural Housing Alliance, 1972)
Who Will Wear the Badge? (report for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1971)
All Their Days, All Their Nights (report for ---, 1970)
Self-Help Housing in Urban Areas (report for the International Self-Help Housing Association, 1968)
The Losers: A Report on Puerto Ricans and the Public Schools (report for Aspira, 1968)
Something To Build On: The Future of Self-Help Housing in the Struggle against Poverty (report for International Self-Help Housing Associates & American Friends Service Committee, 1967)
How the Federal Government Builds Ghettos (report for the National Committee Against Discrimination In Housing, 1967)
Self-Help Enterprises, Inc.: A General Evaluation (report for the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity, 1966)
The Future of Self-Help Housing (report of the First National Conference on Self-Help Housing, 1965)
The Potential Role of Self-Help Housing on Indian Reservations and In Rural Areas (report for the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity, 1965)
Organized Self-Help Housing In the United States: Problems & Prospects (report for the Ford Foundation, 1964)