Articles on Health, Housing & Rural Transportation
(in chronological order with most recent first; titles with unavailable links are in red)
The Healing Touch: How Kidney Dialysis Came to Rural Georgia (Rural Electrification, 1991)
Toward a Strategy for the National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing (Stern Family Fund, date TBD)
Cost Per Life: $22,000 (New York Times, 1991)
Having a Dream in Goshen (The New Leader, 1991)
Rural Dialysis (The New Leader, 1991)
Rural Journal: Puritan Subsidies (Rural Electrification, 1991)
A World without Wheels (The New Leader, 1990)
Make Me Whole (The New Leader, 1990)
Read My Blips (The New Leader, 1990)
Caring While Curing (The New Leader, 1989)
In America's Small-Town Hospitals, a Patient Isn't 'Just a Number' (Smithsonian, 1989)
A Hospital for All Seasons (The New Leader, 1988)
Giving Love a Lift (Community Transportation Reporter, 1987)
How Medicare Puts the Elderly on Hold (The New Leader, 1987)
Rural Journal: Medicaid Misery (Rural Electrification, March 1987)
The Fast-Care Industry (The New Leader, 1987)
The Health Gift Repossessed (The New Leader, 1987)
Bring Us to This Hovel (The New Leader, 1986)
Is the Next Stop Penn Station? (The New Leader, 1986)
Life and Death at 'the Home' (The New Leader, 1986)
Long-Term Caring (The New Leader, 1986)
Rural Journal: Homelessness Reaches Back Home (Rural Electrification, August 1986)
Older Citizens in Search of Security (The New Leader, 1985)
Rural Journal: Greyhound Has Left the Driving to Rural People (Rural Electrification, September 1985)
Sic Paratransit Gloria Omnibus (The New Leader, 1985)
Will The Patient Live? (Foundation News, 1985)
Homes of the of the Brave: Farmworker Housing Report (Rural America for the Farmworker Housing Coalition, 1981)
The Limits of Localism (Working Papers, 1981)
On Retaining the Train (ruralamerica, 1979)
Doctors for Sale (The New Leader, 1978)
The Battle of Pill Hill (The New Leader, 1978)
'Why 117 Medical Schools' letter and RJM response (Change, 1978)
Why 117 Medical Schools Can't Be Wrong (Change, 1977)
Book Review: O Pioneer, O Morris: Good Neighborhood: The Challenge of Open Housing - by Morris Milgram (The New Leader, 1977)
Dollars and Doctors (The New Leader, 1977)
National Health Insurance: The Dream Whose Time Has Come? (New York Times, 1977)
Book Review: Please Pass the Health: Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health - by Ivan Illich (Bookletter [Harper's], June 21, 1976)
Death of the Country Doctor (The New Leader, 1975)
Deep in the Heart of Texas (The New Leader, 1975)
Waiting for the Bloodless Revolution (The New Leader, 1975)
Book Review: A Heavy Cross to Bear: Blue Cross: What Went Wrong? - by Sarah Law (1974)
Medical Schools at the Crossroads (Change, 1974)
Where Does It Hurt? America's Medical Crisis & the Politics of Health Reform (The New Leader, 1974)
--- Part 2: How the System Grew
--- Part 3: Hospitals and Insurance
--- Part 4: Alternative Remedies
--- Part 5: The Politics of Health Reform
Payments to the Past (The New Leader, 1974)
A Rural Housing Delivery Demonstration Project (Basin Electric Power Cooperative, 1973)
Group Therapy for Runaway Medical Bills (Money, May 1973)
If I Had a Hammer (Rural Housing Alliance, 1972)
Mobile Homes and the Rural Poor: An Alternative Non-Solution (Rural Housing Alliance, 1972)
Nirvana on Wheels (The New Leader, 1972)
Where Have All the Mobile Homes Gone? (Washington Post, Nov. 26, 1972)
FDA: The Sugar-Coated, Polyunresponsive, Indigestible Placebo (Washington Monthly, January 1971)
The Rural Housing Famine (The New Leader, 1970)
Building a Ghetto (The New Leader, 1968)
Self-Help Housing In Urban Areas (International Self-Help Housing Association, 1968)
How the Federal Government Builds Ghettos (report for the National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing, 1967)
Something To Build On: The Future of Self-Help Housing in the Struggle against Poverty (report for International Self-Help Housing Associates & American Friends Service Committee, 1967)
Self-Help Enterprises, Inc.: A General Evaluation (U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity, 1966)
The Future of Self-Help Housing (report of the First National Conference on Self-Help Housing, 1965)
The Potential Role of Self-Help Housing on Indian Reservations and In Rural Areas (U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity, 1965)
Organized Self-Help Housing In the United States: Problems & Prospects (Ford Foundation, 1964)
This is the Year of the Asian Flu (Pageant, January 1963)
You've Got Trouble Right Here in Nauvoo (publication and date TBD)