Articles on Personal & Family Life by Richard J. Margolis
(in chronological order with most recent first)
Cost Per Life: $22,000 (New York Times, 1991)
The Healing Touch: How Kidney Dialysis Came to Rural Georgia (see endnote; The New Leader, 1991)
Read My Blips (The New Leader, 1990)
Make Me Whole (The New Leader, 1990)
This Is Mexico? (The New Leader, 1989)
Buzzings in the Berkshires (The New Leader, 1988)
When Irish Skies Are Frowning (The New Leader, 1987)
Melody and Mystery (The New Leader, 1986)
Travels in an Edgy India (The New Leader, 1986)
Growing up Jewish in America (The New Leader, 1985)
From the Bottom Up (RJM Harvard Fellowship Report, 1984)
Freelance Survival Tactics (In Business, 1983)
Deliberate Pleasures (The New Leader, 1983)
In the Quill of the Knight (The New Leader, 1983)
Report from Cairo (Present Tense Journal, 1982)
Letter from Cambridge (The New Leader, 1980)
Groping for Intimacy (The New Leader, 1978)
Limousine Ruminations (The New Leader, 1978)
A Diarist's Blue Period (The New Leader, 1977)
A Job-Seeker's Journal (The New Leader, 1977)
Bermuda Shorts (The New Leader, 1977)
Letter to a Friend (The New Leader, 1976)
Men at Middle Age (The New Leader, 1976)
On Husbanding One's Resources (The New Leader, 1976)
Thunder, Sticks and Avocets (The New Leader, 1976)
A Graduation Letter (The New Leader, 1975)
Conversations with My Dentist (The New Leader, 1975)
The Practical Economist (The New Leader, 1975)
Diary of a Freeze (The New Leader, 1974)
Traveler's Notebook (The New Leader, 1973)
Notes toward a Father's Blessing (The New Leader, 1972)
Learning about Asia (The New Leader, 1971)
Progress and Poverty on the Heights (Brooklyn Heights Press, 1959)