Articles on to Culture & Society by Richard J. Margolis
(in chronological order with most recent first; titles not available to download from this website are in red)
Rural Journal: Insulting the West (Rural Electrification, 1990)
Rural Journal: This Land Is My Land (Rural Electrification, 1989)
Rural Journal: Mirrors of Rural Life, Rural Electrification, 1989)
Rural Journal: The Small Town Game (Rural Electrification, 1988)
Out of Harm's Way: The Emancipation of Juvenile Justice (report for the Edna McDowell Clark Foundation, 1988)
Tracking Our Troubled Children (The New Leader, 1988)
When Irish Skies Are Frowning (The New Leader, 1987)
Wisconsin's Child-Support Experiment (The New Leader, 1987)
They Hear America Singing (Foundation News, 1986)
Melody and Mystery (The New Leader, 1986)
Philanthropy's Keeper of the Seal: Carnegie Corporation's Florence Anderson (Foundation News, January-February 1986)
Modest Monuments to Optimism (Rural Electrification, 1985)
Growing up Jewish in America (The New Leader, 1985)
Book Review: Postmortem: New Evidence in the Case of Sacco & Venzetti - by William Young and David Kaiser (New York Times, 1985)
How Hunger Staged a Comeback (Foundation News, 1985)
The Perfect Fit (Foundation News, 1985)
Will The Patient Live? (FoundationNews, 1985)
Preparing to Love This Place (Christian Science Monitor, 1984)
Yours, Anne (The New Leader, 1984)
Just Like Jonah Said (Foundation News, 1984)
The New Mexican Umbrella (Foundation News, 1984)
To Live on This Earth (Foundation News, 1984)
Triple-Source Philanthropy: Coming Soon (Foundation News, September-October 1984)
Precious Cargoes (Christian Science Monitor, 1983)
Book Review: Aunt Arie: A Foxfire Portrait - by Linda Page & Eliot Wigginton (New York Times, 1983)
Book Review: Aunt Arie - by Linda Page & Eliot Wigginton (ruralamerica, 1983)
Book Review: Channels of Power: The Impact of Television on American Politics - by Austin Ranney (New York Times, 1983)
Deliberate Pleasures (The New Leader, 1983)
Hot for Safe Energy (Foundation News, 1983)
Personifying the Playboy Philosophy (Foundation News, 1983)
Great Expectations, Questionable Results (Foundation News, March-April 1983)
Small Wonders: Giddyup to City Hall (Foundation News, January-Febrary 1983)
Small Wonders: Moving America Right (Foundation News, July-August 1983)
Dousing Flames is Only Part of the Job (Smithsonian, November 1983)
Why Rural America Clings to Its Post Offices (Smithsonian, July 1983)
Book Review: Framed by the Evening News: Media Images of the New Left: The Whole World Is Watching - by Todd Gitlin (Chronicle of Higher Education, November 1980)
Wielding the Pen for and against Small-Town Life (ruralamerica, 1979)
Groping for Intimacy (The New Leader, 1978)
Have a Good Decade (The New Leader, 1978)
The New Indian Wars (Foundation News, May-June 1978)
Schumacher Was Beautiful (ruralamerica, 1977)
Steps Toward Ethical Maturity (Change, 1977)
Book Review: When Push Comes to Shove: The Fall of Public Man - by Richard Sennett (Bookletter, Jan. 31, 1977)
Labor Reform Could Have Meant Rural Reform (ruralamerica, 1976)
Book Review: Riding the Earthboy 40 - by James Welch (Bookletter [Harper's Magazine], 1976)
Book Review: The Second Exodus: Review of World of Our Fathers - by Irving Howe (Bookletter, Feb. 2, 1976)
The Workmen's Circle at 75 (The New Leader, 1975)
Book Review: Communalism: From Its Origins to the 20th Century - by Kenneth Rexroth (Change, 1975)
Book Review: Paradigms Lost: Liberal Parents, Radical Children - by Midge Decter (Change, 1975)
Waiting for the Bloodless Revolution (The New Leader, 1975)
Breaking the Recidivist Circle (The New Leader, 1974)
Children's Books: Where Dogs Go Quack (Washington Post, 1974)
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Streaking (The New Leader, 1974)
Helping Heaven Help the Children (New York Times, 1974)
Stun Guns, Bean Bags and Dum Dums (Washington Post, Dec. 8, 1974)
An Appeal from Death Row (The New Leader, 1973)
Death of a Magazine (The New Leader, 1973)
Saturday's Children: 'We Hit a Live Nerve' (New York Times, 1973)
The New 'Standard Police Practice' (The New Leader, 1973)
The Federal Budget: A Test for Community Foundations (Foundation News, September/October 1973)
Daycare Cuts: Woe for the Working Mother (New York Times, April 1, 1973)
​Cooperatives: Origins (part 1 of a special report for The New Leader)
Cooperatives: Farming (part 2 of a special report for The New Leader)
Cooperatives: Food (part 3 of a special report for The New Leader)
Cooperatives: Health (part 4 of a special report for The New Leader)
Cooperatives: Housing (part 5 of a special report for The New Leader)
Cooperatives: Prospects (part 6 of a special report for The New Leader)
Countering the Commercials (The New Leader, 1972)
A Tree Grows in Eden (The New Leader, 1971)
Looking for America (The New Leader, 1971)
You Need a Psychiatrist If (Pageant, 1964)
How to Talk to Famous People (Pageant, March 1963)